The Experience of Emotion


In dit onderzoek wordt emotie toegelicht, in relatie tot zowel psychologische omschrijving als neurobiologische processen. Het artikel gaat in over hoe emoties worden ervaren, en waardoor ze tot stand komen. Het gaat ook dieper in op verschillen van het ervaren en omschrijven van emotie bij diverse culturen. Het artikel is Engelstalig.


Experiences of emotion are content-rich events that emerge at the level of psychological description, but must be causally constituted by neurobiological processes. This chapter outlines an emerging scientific agenda for understanding what these experiences feel like and how they arise. We review the available answers to what is felt (i.e., the content that makes up an experience of emotion) and how neurobiological processes instantiate these properties of experience. These answers are then integrated into a broad framework that describes, in psychological terms, how the experience of emotion emerges from more basic processes. We then discuss the role of such experiences in the economy of the mind and behavior.


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Ervaren van emoties
Lisa Feldman Barrett, Batja Mesquita, Kevin N Ochsner, James J Gross