Introduction:Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for child anxiety, although efficacious, typically requires 16-20 weekly sessions with a therapist. Brief CBT (BCBT; eight sessions) for child anxiety is promising but may have less favorable outcomes owing to reduced session time. Mobile health (m-health) has the potential to improve BCBT efficacy by delivering ecological momentary intervention to engage youth in learning and practicing CBT skills in their everyday lives (in vivo).Materials and Methods:We developed an m-health platform entitled SmartCAT (Smartphone-enhanced Child Anxiety Treatment). SmartCAT consists of (1) a smartphone application (app) that cues youth to use the CBT skills taught in sessions, (2) an online portal that allows therapists to monitor skill use, to send cues and treatment-related materials, to engage youth in real-time via secure messages, and to manage rewards, and (3) a communication protocol that allows real-time bidirectional exchange between the app and the portal. A pilot study with nine youth (9-14 years old) examined the platform's feasibility as an adjunct to BCBT.Results:SmartCAT was found to be capable of supporting BCBT for child anxiety and received positive feedback from both therapists and youth patients. Patients rated the app as highly usable (mean=1.7 on a 1-7 scale, with 1=easy). Patients completed 5.36 skills coach entries per session (standard deviation=1.95) and took an average of 3.14min (standard deviation=0.98min) to complete the entries.Conclusions:A smartphone app is feasible within CBT for child anxiety. Users found SmartCAT both acceptable and easy to use. Integrating an m-health platform within BCBT for anxious children may facilitate involvement in treatment and dissemination of effective procedures.
The SmartCAT: An m- Health Platform for Ecological Momentary Intervention in Child Anxiety Treatment
Pramana, G; Parmanto, B; Kendall, PC; et al.
Telemedicine and E-Health 20(5): 419-427 May 2014