Research on the effectiveness of coaching. Determining relevant factors of coaching: The development of a questionnaire


Marilène Mineur, met haar scriptie "Determining relevant factors of coaching: The development of a questionnaire" (masterthesis van de Universiteit van Tilburg). Het onderzoek werd uitgevoerd in opdracht van coachingsorganisatie CoachNetwerk. CoachNetwerk B.V. is een professioneel en landelijk opererend netwerk van geaccrediteerde coaches. 

Met deze scriptie won Marilène de NOBCO thesisprijs 2012. 

Download de gehele thesis hier.


In the current business economy where organizations struggle to beat their competition, coaching is becoming one of the most popular means to improve employee performance. However, there is scarce scientific evidence as to the effectiveness of coaching. In this study, coaches and coachees were interviewed to discover the relevant factors of coaching. Important factors that have been examined in this study are: goals, motivation, the relationship between coach and coachee, expectations on the coaching process and the mindset of both coach and coachee. Additionally, a questionnaire is developed which can be used to research whether coaching is also effective in the long run. Results show that coaching can be considered effective when the goals of a coachee are attained and newly acquired behavior is internalized. Also practical implications and suggestions for future research are provided.

Research on the effectiveness of coaching. Determining relevant factors of coaching: The development of a questionnaire.
Marilène Mineur