Pedagogical practice of early childhood teachers: Explicit enhancement of students' literacy


IN A CLIMATE OF INTENSIFYING interest in early years' literacy education, this research investigates the pedagogical practices of (both novice and experienced) early childhood teachers within literacy education in Western Australian Catholic schools. Narrative accounts are used to depict the classroom practices of four teachers. The study shows that the teachers who explicitly enhanced their students' literacy used a differentiated approach including a child-centred approach, a teacher-directed approach and a co-constructed method. In addition, these early years' teachers have a shared responsibility for learning, foster positive relationships, and continually develop their own professional skills. The study recommends supportive leadership through a professional development model inclusive of mentoring, coaching and feedback, all seen as critical to the effectiveness of both novice and experienced teachers.

Watson, R ; Wildy, H
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 39(2): 82-90 Jun 2014