An Evaluation of the National Public Health Leadership Institute-1991-2006: Part I. Developing Individual Leaders


Context: Public health leadership development programs are widely employed to strengthen leaders and leadership networks and ultimately agencies and systems. The year-long National Public Health Leadership Institute's (PHLI) goals are to develop the capacity of individual leaders and networks of leaders so that both can lead improvement in public health systems, infrastructure, and population health. Objective: To evaluate the impact of PHLI on individual graduates using data collected from the first 15 cohorts. Participants: Between 1992 and 2006, PHLI graduated 806 senior leaders from governmental agencies, academia, health care, associations, nonprofit organizations, foundations, and other organizations. Of 646 graduates located, 393 (61%) responded to a survey, for an overall response rate of 49% (393/806). Intervention: PHLI has included retreats; readings, conference calls, and webinars; assessments, feedback, and coaching; and action learning projects, in which graduates apply concepts to a work challenge aided by peers and a coach. Methods: A survey of all graduates and interviews of 34 graduates and one other key informant. Results: PHLI improved graduates' understanding, skills, and self-awareness, strengthened many graduates' connections to a network of leaders, and significantly increased graduates' voluntary leadership activities at local, state, and national levels (P<.001 deeper and wider network connections shaped graduates sense of to the national cadre public health leaders provided access supportive peers ideas bolstered confidence interest in taking on leadership work. nearly all remained health. some partially attributed phli their promotions into more senior positions. conclusion: development programs can strengthen sustain impact by cultivating sustained practice that provide ongoing support for skill innovative practice. sponsors fruitfully view as a long-term investment individuals networks within organizations or fields>

Umble, KE; Baker, EL; Woltring, C
Journal Of Public Health Management And Practice 17 (3): 202-213 May0-Jun 2011