Computerized continuing care support for alcohol and drug dependence: A preliminary analysis of usage and outcomes


The central aim of this administrative data analysis was to examine usage of a Web-based disease management program designed to provide continuing recovery support to patients discharged from residential drug and alcohol treatment. Tailored clinical content was delivered in a multimedia format over the course of 18 months posttreatment. The program also included access to a recovery coach across the 18 months. Consistent with other disease management programs, program usage decreased over time. A small subsample of patients accessed a large number of program modules in the year following treatment; these patients had significantly higher abstinence rates and consumed less alcohol than patients accessing few or no modules. Regression analyses revealed a significant relationship between the number of modules accessed and substance use outcomes in the year following treatment when controlling for motivation, self-efficacy, and pretreatment substance use. Limiting the analyses to only the more compliant patients did not reduce the magnitude of these effects. These preliminary results suggest that computerized support programs may be beneficial to patients recently treated for drug and alcohol issues. Methods to increase program engagement need additional study.

Klein, AA; Slaymaker, VJ; Dugosh, KL; Mckay, JR
Journal Of Substance Abuse Treatment 42 (1): 25-34 Jan 2012